Yet to become better prepared and to make improvements, it must be shown how things was badly done in the recent fires, otherwise there is no relevance, no reference why something suggested, should be implemented in the future. Or not?
Below are questions for the asking, and though there is no trust that the government either state or federal will answer truthfully. These questions, though not exhaustive will give some idea to those agencies, that the public know what is going on. Some of the answers will be known, some be discovered with a reasonable guess. Some find answers, if we just look at the Victorian governments policies and actions. However, it would be nice to get an honest answer.
• Does any tier of government believe that the people of Victoria should be satisfied, because being pleased is impossible, that they were prepared for any fires, much less horrific fires like the ones that caused so much trauma to, and placed so many people on, almost a war footing?
• Do the people of Victoria believe they have placed the right people into government, if they are not happy with how the various tiers of government have performed in this fire event, and now the following floods that have, much as the fires closed so many roads?
• Are there still people who believe that Climate Change is not responsible for these events?
• Why does the government need another Royal Commission into these fires, and stipulate there should be no blame?
• Has the government read submissions and recommendations made by previous Royal Commissions into previous fire events to see if any of these were either taken notice of or acted upon?
Wildlife [mis] management and DELWP questions
• Is the DELWP responsible for wildlife management, and if so, what kind of management?
• Did the DELWP send teams into the fire grounds with a dart marksman, so that native animals could be accessed at close range, and if so why?
• Did the DELWP send teams into the fire ground without at least one experienced wildlife carer/shelter operator who handle wildlife in all manner of conditions and circumstances all the time, if so why?
• Did the DELWP sent shooters into the fire ground, to destroy native animals on the inspection through binoculars, and were these animals checked for pouch young?
• Why did the DELWP not hand over wildlife orphans from the shot or burnt mothers to wildlife carers and/or shelters?
• Were there no orphans or slightly injured native animals found that could be rehabilitated?
• Were all native animals euthanized, killed, if they were burnt even in the smallest amount, and could have been rescued?
• Did the DELWP shooters have any wildlife caring experience or knowledge of wildlife of any kind?
• Did the shooters just shoot wombats summarily and not realise they may have had babies in the burrow?
• Is that why emaciated baby wombats round the 6 to 10 kilogram weight, were found roaming the fire ground, looking for their mothers who had left them in their burrows to find feed, were summarily shot and therefoe didn't get back to feed their babies?
• Is this and other iniquitous activity conducted by DELWP personnel by instruction from the Victorian Minister for the environment or the Victorian Premier?
• Is one of these reasons why the Victorian Minister was never available to be interviewed by one of the media outlets?
• Did the DELWP officers confiscate water point infrastracture from a burnt forest area in Corryong?
• Did the DELWP officers install a gate at a burnt forest at Corryong to prevent a wildlife carer from continuing to put out food and water for native animals until their was food growing again?
• Was this under the instruction of the Minister?
• Why were authorised wildlife carers/shelter operators sidelined, not allowed onto the fire ground when others less qualified, and tradesmen were permitted access those areas?
• Does the DELWP and the Minister not realise that all Australians and people in other countries, world wide, care for about our wildlife?
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